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Orthomolecular therapie

The term orthomolecular was introduced in 1968 by Nobel Prize winner Professor Linus Pauling. Orthos comes from Greek and means; right, straight or healthy and molecular stands for; at a molecular level. 

It is common knowledge that many Western diseases are caused by improper diet and lifestyle, think of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. But this also applies to many other conditions, where there is no known medical cause, for example irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, allergies or chronic inflammation.

Over the years, much scientific research has been done on the effect of nutrition and supplements on health and in treating a variety of conditions. The orthomolecular therapist uses this knowledge to ensure that an optimal balance is created in the body so that the body's self-healing ability can do its work. 

The orthomolecular therapist can help trace the cause of these conditions and through nutritional and supplemental advice ensures that the body gets everything it needs to function as well as possible, so that the symptoms diminish or disappear completely. 


How does it work; prior to the first consultation, an extensive intake form is completed and a food diary is kept. During the first consultation, these are discussed and, if desired, laboratory tests can be done (including EMB test or IgG food hypersensitivity test) to see if there is, for example, a deficiency of vitamins or minerals or a food hypersensitivity, which may explain certain symptoms. During the second consultation, a plan is discussed and advice is given on what to eat and which supplements can play a supportive role. Follow-up consultations usually take place after 8 weeks. An evaluation is made of how it is going and what further steps can be taken to achieve the desired goals.

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