Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy, just like, manual therapy, chiropractic and orthomanual medicine. The osteopath examines and treats exclusively with his hands, so no devices or medication are involved.
The entire body (joints of the musculoskeletal system, organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities and the cranial bones) is examined for loss of mobility. Loss of mobility can lead to symptoms where it is located or elsewhere in the body as flow to and from the tissues decreases. For example, the osteopath may need to treat an abdominal organ to resolve back pain or a neck vertebra to reduce headache symptoms. Resolving the loss of mobility improves circulation and allows the body to heal itself, in other words, the osteopath does not heal, but creates the conditions for the body's self-healing ability to function optimally.
Besides solving the found loss of mobility, the osteopath together with the patient looks at other factors that play a role in the pattern of symptoms and gives advice in the field of movement/training, nutrition and lifestyle, all this to eliminate negative factors and stimulate positive factors. The osteopath not only treats the symptoms, but also searches for the cause of the complaint.
How does it work; prior to the first consultation, an extensive intake form is filled out. This will be discussed with you during the first consultation and then you will be checked from head to toe for loss of mobility. Based on what the osteopath finds, he will treat. On average, 4-6 treatments are needed and there are usually 2-6 weeks between treatments.
Preventive treatments can take place once every 3-6 months to prevent the return of complaints.